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Monica Aben, "The Beginning of Things" Single - Review

Monica Aben’s home studio is decorated with NASA posters; therefore, it’s only logical that her music should be dotted with space metaphors and astronomic imagery, littered throughout her melodies like stars.

Brand new single The Beginning of Things is no exception. A love song through and through, Aben sings with cosmic buoyancy about her relationship with her boyfriend and the moment they first kissed. The universe was right there on your lips – we kissed, and we got lost in it, she sings delicately in the pre-chorus, calling to mind Sarah Bareilles in her vulnerable lyrical stylings and sensible pop propensities.

Comparing the important moments in relationships to the timelessness of celestial bodies, “The Beginning of Things” might best be seen as an examination of the ever-evolving conditions in our lives that transform and cascade into violent dissonance where negative feelings are ready to overwhelm you, until you realize, perhaps quite suddenly, that everything you’ve gone through has finally led you to the perfect place, and that you actually wouldn’t change a single thing . Sung ardently over lush foundations of piano and sensible pop melodies, In Your Universe was recorded and engineered at Dockside Studios in Louisiana with Justin Tocket and Ben Alleman.

Here at Screams Media, we were given the opportunity to review this new single and were more than happy to provide some feedback.

The Beginning Of Things is a 3:38 minute song that is song that starts out with a soft, almost country-pop like sound before introducing lyrics. While Monica draws her influence from people such as Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles and Birdy, she also sounds like the perfect mix of early Taylor Swift and classic Shania Twain bundled up into one modern, soulful, track.

Monica wears her heart on her sleeve in this single. Lyrics such as "I wanna stay right here, right here, with you inside your atmosphere", "The universe was right there on your lips, we kissed, we got lost in it. Oh look how small we are, standing next to stars" and "There we were on Saturn's rings, that was the beginning of things," are memorable and sure to be getting stuck in the heads of listeners. With a single as beautiful and raw as this, we can't wait to see what comes next from Monica Aben.

Listen Below.

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