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Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Since the creation of heavy music, the expansion of various genres and sub-genres within the heavy music scene have created sounds far beyond what you would expect to hear from contemporary metal. Cybergrind is absolutely no exception.

Showcasing everything from blast beats to hyperpop, chip-tune heavy breakdowns to obscure electronic grindcore, and all the craziness in between, there really is nothing else like it. No other subgenre of metal, or any genre for that matter, takes all the contemporary aspects of modern music and destroys them in such a beautiful way quite like Cybergrind does.


Codex Orzhova's Noelle Laxton described Cybergrind best when they said:

"Cybergrind and Nintendocore, at conception, was largely about repackaging old music through sample manipulation and repurposing of recognizable aesthetic, Much as vaporwave combined 80's retrofuturism with Greek and Roman sculpture to make a point about technology being crushed before its time under the weight of capitalism, Cybergrind takes digital properties from our childhood, pitch shifts them, and destroys them as a take on the hyper disposable nature of modern media consumption"

Bands within the genre generally make use of drum machines, synths and midi instruments in addition to the normal distorted guitar and bass you would hear in most metal. Some bands go as far as to use midi instruments exclusively for that added electronic feel.

I had my first taste of Cybergrind back in 2008 with bands like Genghis Tron and 100deadrabbits. However, the genre itself can be traced back to the early 90's with bands like Catasexual Urge Motivation (Japan, 1992), Agoraphobic Nosebleed (United States, 1994), and The Berzerker (Australia, 1995).

In fact, a lot of early Cybergrind acts had little to no metal influence at all.

Since then, there has been a large influx of projects with various sounds that have helped pave the way to a new generation of experimental music.

There are dozens of projects i could spend hours discussing but i'll share a few of my personal favourites for you below.


Angry, aggressive and heavier than dark matter, Zombieshark! is a staple of modern Cybergrind. Fusing aspects of Deathcore and Grindcore with industrial synths and vocal FX unmatched in the modern scene, Zombieshark! continues to redefine what a one person band can be.

Favourite tracks:

  1. H3llw0rld_

  2. Red Pyramids Kill Each Other

  3. Computer Kidz Unite



If you gave a Nintendo a guitar and taught it to write proggy riffs, the end result would be something like Codex Orzhova. In fact, some of the synths on their tracks were recorded using a Gameboy. Combining elements of Mathcore and Nintendocore with a touch of that MySpace era vibe, Codex Orzhova is a breath of fresh air with a hint of familiarity.

Favourite Tracks:

  1. Programmed To Die

  2. Bodies Beneath The Wheel

  3. Set Yourself On Fire



A little math, a little grind, and a whole lot of sass, Thotcrime is a nicely wrapped package with a deadly delivery. This is one of the most versatile Cybergrind projects I've come across, ranging from synth heavy midi madness to a more alternative, hard-core mix, reminiscent of bands like Foxy Shazam.

Favourite tracks:

  1. Rawr!

  2. Don't Talk To Me Until I've Vored My Morning Coffee

  3. Manic Panic Attack



A powerful mixture of aggressive chiptune, fast drumming and depressive lyrics, Blind Equation delivers a uniquley polished sound thats been dubbed Emotional Cybergrind. The project was originally the solo work of James McHenry but has recently evolved into a wicked 3 piece band.

Favourite tracks:

  1. Born2Die

  2. [Lcd Dem]

  3. Life IV



A rare blend of Drum and Bass, Harsh noise, and distorted screams, Deathtrippa is a different kind of heavy. There are few projects I've come across that have the same level of forceful aggression Deathtrippa provides.

Favourite tracks:

  1. bedtime in the bathtub

  2. trip of death

  3. sensitive boys club

Bandcamp -



Raw and punishing, SISSY XO delivers a unique blend of Grindcore, Ambient Noise, harsh vocals and dynamic bass guitar that's incomparable to any band I've ever heard. The band also released their first EP in a video set titled the first set ever which is honestly an experience all on its own.

Favourite tracks:

  1. keep staring at me like that and ill fuck your dad.

  2. the violent cracking of an egg

  3. browsing hirs collective merch while listening to thotcrime demos.


Cybergrind may very well be one of the few remaining hubs of musical experimentation. A lawless playground where everything's permitted and there are no rules.

While there may be little to no rules , there is, however, a large community of musicians and fans alike that have helped to grow the genre in recent years. The leading community in the scene is a label by the name of Big Money Cybergrind.

First off, let me just say that I have been a part of numerous metal communities but NONE have come even close to being as supportive, inclusive and down right amazing as Big Money Cybergrind.

I joined during the creation of the group back in late 2020 and in all my time there I have not seen any bigotry, elitism, etc that is rather predominant in many extreme music communities. Whether you're an up and coming artist, established band, or just looking to create your first song, BMC is there to provide support every step of the way.

Owners and founders Leonardo Decapitator and Noelle Laxton created the group as a means for members of the infamous Defend Nintendocore group to have a community centered around the more ambiguous projects within the scene. Within a few short weeks the group was flooded with independant artists and like-minded individuals. Since then the label has gone on to release multiple Albums and EP's from various projects within the community, as well as pressing physicals of classic

Cybergrind/Nintendocore releases like I Shot The Duck Hunt Dog's 2007 album For Derek.

On top of pressing artists music into physical versions on cassette, CD and vinyl, BMC takes an extra step by including a custom Magic: The Gathering card into each release, tailored to each individual artist.

To keep up with Big Money Cybergrind and their latest releases, you can follow the group at the links below. If you like what you hear, check out the official BMC playlist to discover other projects within the community.

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