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Chris Jamison, From NBC's "The Voice" New EP Out Now - LISTEN

For Pittsburgh-based singer songwriter Chris Jamison, the last four years have heralded momentous changes in both his personal and musical life. After appearing on the seventh season of The Voice, Chris moved back home to live with his parents. He explored his own spirituality. He struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He got married to his childhood sweetheart. He fought to stay humble following the sudden onrush of popularity following his stint on television.

Transitioning from being a sophomore in college to a famous singer and back to normalcy, however, wasn’t a simple transition. Though Jamison was a performer and musical theatre student from a young age, his experience was in singing the music of other artists. In other words, songwriting was still new to him, and he hadn’t yet found his voice.

Through it all, however, it’s been important to Jamison that he remains humble. He muses:

“It’s very easy to think ‘I’m the best. I’m the best singer,’ but meanwhile, they’re already starting the next season of the show, and someone else is going to come off and think the exact same thing, So I wanted to go back,pay my dues, and really put in the work and put in the time to develop this thing.”

Musically speaking, new EP, Puzzle Pieces, proffers a sonic journey into soulful R&B, profoundly accessible and genuine, featuring robust melodies and silky instrumental stylings. Lyrically, however, Jamison’s newest reminds his listeners that he’s a guy making a new way for himself. A guy who’s recently married and very much in love. A guy who, like any other twenty-four year old in America, is creating the life he wants. A guy who struggles with grief and fear, but believes in hope. A guy who is staying true to who he’s always been, and who wants to express that through his fresh new sound: one that’s catchy, smooth, endearing, and guaranteed to make you feel something.

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